US Navy submarine manufacturers admit to cheating strength tests

Business Insider: US submarine parts maker Bradken admitted to falsified tests

US Navy submarine parts manufacturer in charge Thomas confessed to repeatedly cheating steel strength tests. For the supply of untested parts, she faces up to 10 years in prison, writes Business Insider.

67-year-old Thomas was in charge of the metallurgical direction at Bradken in Washington state for 30 years – and all this time the company produced including steel parts used on submarines. During this period, she was personally responsible for falsifying the results of strength tests in at least 240 cases, which is “a significant part” of all shipments.

In addition to a prison sentence, she faces up to $ 1 million in fines. The fraud became known in 2017 from the words of one of the employees of the laboratory of this enterprise. It is noted that there are no known submarine incidents related to this case – however, this will make their inspection and technical inspection much more expensive.

In October this year, another scandal broke out with submarines from the United States: Australia, which signed a contract for the supply of submarines with France, refused French cooperation in favor of the United States and Great Britain. The Australian Prime Minister explained this by a large number of “problems” from the French side.

