In the Perm Territory, a Russian forced children to be in the cold and forbade calling a doctor forbade the mother to call a doctor for sick children. This is reported by URA.RU with reference to the press service of the regional central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
According to the agency, in April a drunk 34-year-old Russian put small children on the balcony. “As a result, they caught a cold. Later, the ambulance team hospitalized the children in the hospital, ”the law enforcement officers explained.
During the inspection, it turned out that a resident of Kudymkar did not take proper care of minors. He often made scandals and abused alcohol. As a result, the man was convicted of child abuse.
Earlier in Chelyabinsk, a Russian woman left her daughters alone in the apartment and starved them. The police explained that the woman went to work and did not leave food for the children. Her daughters also did not go to kindergarten and were not registered at the clinic.