The man secretly replaced his wife's cat with a more educated

The man imperceptibly replaced his wife's evil cat and kept it secret for years her very similar, but more educated, and kept it a secret for years. He shared his story with users in a post on the Reddit website.

The author of the post said that he started dating his future wife six years ago. Soon he found out that his chosen one has an evil black cat that attacks guests, ignores the cat's toilet and shits wherever possible.

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One day a woman went to visit relatives and asked him to look after the pet. “On the first night, the cat scratched my hand,” he says. “I jokingly told her that she was not special, and I would quickly find a replacement if she scratched me again. The joke quickly stopped being a joke and turned into a plan. ”

The next morning, the man went to the nearest animal shelter and found a very similar cat. The difference was that she was accustomed to the tray, kind to people and moderately capricious. The staff of the shelter said that its former owner died of a heart attack.

Then the author of the post decided to swap the cats: he brought the animal from the shelter home to his beloved, and put the old cat in a shelter in another city so that the owner would not could find her. The woman did not notice the substitution and was glad that her favorite became kinder and more obedient.

Users left more than seven thousand comments under the post: some condemned the man's act, while others advised him never to tell the truth to his wife if he does not want ruin your marriage. “How do you manage to lie to your wife so masterly? I don’t know how to hide anything, everything is written on my face, ”wrote one user. Another replied: “If he hid the substitution of a cat, then I’m afraid to imagine what he’s still lying to his wife.”

Earlier it was reported that a TIkTok user told how her children were twice confused in the hospital. The woman stressed that during the third birth, she refused to let the baby out of sight.

