The man attacked a passerby, tried to get into a police car and died

Verdens Gang: an unknown man with a knife attacked a police patrol in Oslo

An unknown man tried to attack passers-by with a knife and attacked the patrol in Oslo. The newspaper Verdens Gang writes about this.

According to the newspaper, a man stood in the middle of a street in the Bislett district of the Norwegian capital, and then pushed a passerby in the back. In the hands of the criminal was an object that looked like a knife. According to eyewitnesses, the unknown person could have attacked other people.

The police patrol who arrived at the scene tried to stop him, but failed: the man almost got into the car. As a result, one of the officers was wounded. The police had to shoot an unknown person in order to finally arrest him. The man was taken to hospital, where he later died.

Now the police are looking into the details of the incident.

On October 13, a 37-year-old native of Denmark attacked passers-by with a bow in several public places in the Norwegian town of Kongsberg … Five people became victims of the offender, two more were wounded, including one policeman. Police said the attacker was radical and converted to Islam in 2017. The police interpreted his crime as a terrorist attack.

