The German parliament declared the “unethical” inclusion of Ukraine in the certification of SP-2

Bundestag deputy Gerdt: it is unethical to include a competitor of SP-2 in the certification process

2 “(SP-2) would be irrational and unethical. This statement was made by Waldemar Gerdt, a member of the Bundestag (German parliament) from the Alternative for Germany party, in a conversation with Izvestia.

“It is highly irrational and unethical to include a project competitor in the certification process. Even in jurisprudence there is a concept of “bias”. The investigation excludes the person concerned from the proceedings, “Gerdt explained his unwillingness to allow the Ukrainian side to certify the project.

The deputy believes that among the German leadership there are people who are dependent on the interests of the United States and therefore endanger their own economy. country.

Earlier on November 9, it was reported that the Bundestag deputy from the Left party, the former head of the Committee on Economics and Energy, Klaus Ernst, assessed the role of Ukraine and Poland in the certification of the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. According to Ernst, Ukraine should not take part in the certification of Nord Stream 2. The only task of the country is to pay gas bills, the parliamentarian believes.

