The best projects with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund named

The 100 best projects of 2020 supported by the Presidential Grants Fund were named

The Presidential Grants Fund conducted a public assessment of the results of projects completed by the end of 2020. The projects were evaluated by experts, representatives of the Public Chamber of Russia and regional, as well as government bodies.

In total, the experts evaluated more than 4 thousand projects. They received not only 28 thousand assessments, but also 8 thousand comments.

On November 9, a meeting of the coordination committee was held in the Russian presidential administration, which was chaired by the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko. At the meeting, the results of the implementation of projects that received presidential grants and completed by the end of 2020 were summed up.

The results were published in the public domain on the appraisal.grants.rf portal. Successfully implemented initiatives account for more than 79 percent, satisfactorily implemented – almost 17 percent, unsatisfactory implemented – about three percent, less than one percent have not started implementation.

Based on the assessment, 100 best practices were selected: their website marked with a special “top 100” badge. The Coordinating Committee also considered the procedure for co-financing support on a competitive basis for socially oriented non-profit organizations in the constituent entities of Russia in 2022.

Next year, the regions will be able to request from the fund amounts within their own volume of financing of competitive support for non-profit organizations. Acceptance of applications from subjects for co-financing begins on December 1.

