State Duma deputy sent a request on the situation about the custody that took the child's grandmother

State Duma Deputy Artem Metelev sent a request on the situation about the custody that took the child

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Youth Policy Artem Metelev sent the Governor Rostov region I.A. Guskov, a deputy's request with a request to understand the situation with attempts to take the baby to an orphanage with a living solvent grandmother.

On October 14, near Rostov-on-Don, the child's mother Daria Akifieva died during childbirth. The guardianship authorities refuse to give the baby to his own grandmother due to the lack of an official source of income and a certificate of income 2-NDFL. At the same time, the grandmother has her own farm, living space and the necessary funds to raise a baby.

“In this situation, it is necessary to act in the interests of a newborn baby, and not to allow him to enter the orphanage. But this is a special case. So that children who have lost their parents, but have close relatives (grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters) can stay with them while the issue of guardianship is being resolved, a bill is being introduced to the Duma to amend articles 55 and 13 of the Family Code. Our Committee became a co-executor, and will propose to supplement the “Rules for the selection, registration and training of citizens who decide to become guardians or custodians of minors” with a clause on the possibility of providing a certificate of the presence of a personal subsidiary farm with a personal land plot. If available, the Guardianship Bodies could take a positive opinion to those who are not officially employed, but are ready to feed the child, replacing him with an orphanage, “- explained the deputy.

Artem Metelev is sure that in the event getting into an institution for orphans, the child will receive serious psychological trauma. The deputy also insisted on the assistance of the regional government in registration of permanent custody of the grandmother over the child.

