Russia and Belarus agree on gas

Russia and Belarus signed a protocol on gas prices for 2022 on the gas price for 2022, RIA Novosti reports. Moscow and Minsk have agreed on the procedure for setting prices for fuel supplies.

“The Protocol determines the procedure for setting prices for the supply of natural gas to Belarus in 2022. The specific level of gas prices will be fixed in a joint document with PJSC Gazprom, based on the conditions of 2021, ”the Belarusian ministry emphasized.

The order to sign this document was given in early November. The draft protocol on tariffs for Minsk developed by the Ministry of Energy was approved by the Russian government, and its term was extended by one year, until December 31, 2022.

In September, as part of strengthening Russian-Belarusian integration, Moscow and Minsk agreed to form a united the gas market, as well as the oil and petroleum product markets. The principles of functioning and regulation of the common gas market should be developed by July 2022, and by December 2023, amendments to the Union Program have been signed, which will determine the appropriate mechanisms and the timing of their implementation.

