Putin's special envoy called on Finland and Sweden to fight against snickers

The special presidential envoy Sergei Ivanov urged to develop the reforestation industry reforestation industry, including with the help of Finland and Sweden. The official said this during a speech at the environmental forum of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), Interfax reports.

Putin's special representative noted that the reforestation industry practically does not exist in Russia, and foreign technologies are needed for its development. “We urgently need this industry, including with foreign help, I know that the Finns and Swedes are offering us their technologies, to develop,” Ivanov said. He stressed that this is not about planting seedlings, but about the introduction of special biotechnologies.

The official added that there are large companies in Russia that are dealing with the issue of reforestation. However, in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, the situation with the struggle for reforestation is not easy. “Because there are practically no large companies, there are some” snickers “, as we once had in air transport, we sorted it out, now we need to deal with these” snickers “,” Ivanov said. Ushakov's dictionary classifies the word “zhivopyrka” as thieves' jargon. According to the definition, this is “a place where there is a constant crowd of people, noise, scandals.” Small companies that are used for opaque or illegal activities have also come to be called “Zhivopyrki.” He recalled that Russia has pledged to increase its forest balance by 2030. Also during the climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, which runs from October 31 to November 12, Russia was among the countries that adopted a declaration against deforestation. According to the document adopted on November 2, deforestation should be stopped by 2030.

