Poland announced an unprecedented attack from Belarus

Polish President Duda called the situation on the border with Belarus a massive attack

Polish President Andrzej Duda announced an unprecedented massive hybrid attack on Belarus border, which was recaptured the day before. He stated this on Tuesday, November 9, during a press conference on the air of the TVP channel.

According to him, Poland was ready for such a development of events, since the crisis provoked by the Belarusian regime has been going on for a long time.

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“It is obvious to us that we cannot allow illegal border crossings,” concluded Duda.

Earlier, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko spoke about how the mafia scheme was really organized to transfer migrants to the territory of the European Union. He stressed that Minsk is fully following this chain. According to him, not a single Belarusian is involved in it, however, there are two Russians, as well as dozens of Germans, Poles, Ukrainians and Lithuanians.

On November 8, a group of illegal migrants from the Middle East gathered at the Belarusian-Polish border and tried to overcome the border obstacles. According to the Polish government, the number of the refugee crowd reached three to four thousand people. Warsaw also noted that the camp of illegal immigrants is guarded by Belarusian security forces.

The migration crisis on the border of Belarus and the EU countries began after Lukashenka threatened to weaken control over the flow of refugees and drug trafficking. This happened against the backdrop of yet another aggravation of relations between Minsk and the West.

