US Protester Seeks Political Asylum In Belarus

According to & nbsp; Newman, in his homeland, six criminal cases were opened against him. “They added my photo to the & nbsp; FBI's Most Wanted Criminals List with & nbsp; asking for help from the public to identify me. And & nbsp; some of my friends warned me about this. I have many friends who work for the & nbsp; government. I & nbsp; knew that & nbsp; I would be immediately identified, and & nbsp; so the first thing I did was & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the man. Newman had a bag business and left the country under the guise of a business trip. The man flew to Italy in March, and then took the train to Switzerland, where he got into a car and drove to the Ukrainian Zhitomir. After a few months in & nbsp; Ukraine, Newman, according to & nbsp; he, noticed

Рейтинги губернаторов пострадали от COVID-19

«Значительная часть глав субъектов, позиции которых отличаются в рейтинге негативной динамикой, пока не могут эффективно противостоять распространению пандемии», — пояснил «Известиям» глава АПЭК Дмитрий Орлов. По его словам, способность управлять развитием эпидемии, сдерживать ее — сегодня очевидный фактор оценки эффективности работы глав субъектов. Сильнее всего в рейтинге АПЭК за октябрь потеряли губернатор Саратовской области Валерий Радаев (с 28-го на 41-е место) и глава Еврейской автономной области Ростислав Гольдштейн (с 68-го на 73-е место). Как отмечается в докладе АПЭК, продолжается нисходящий тренд для руководителя Республики Крым Сергея Аксёнова (с 23-го на 27-е место). Субъект занимает шестое место в России по количеству выявленных заболеваний COVID-19. Впрочем, как пояснили «Известиям» авторы рейтинга, основным фактором снижения рейтинга губернатора стали обыски и задержание главы Евпатории Олеси Харитоненко. Кроме того, теряют позиции главы регионов, чаще других обсуждаемые в качестве возможных кандидатов на досрочную отставку. В их числе руководитель Кировской области Игорь Васильев (с 70-го на 75-е место), губернатор Томской области Сергей Жвачкин (с 75-го на 83-е место), глава Хакасии Валентин Коновалов (с 84-го на 85-е место).

Stalin's great-grandson became homeless

The great-grandson of Joseph Stalin Selim Bensaad actually became homeless after the conflict with his father This is reported by the TV channel “360” with reference to his press attaché Vadim Gorzhankin. A descendant of the Soviet leader claims that he is forced to spend the night in his own car after his father, Algerian Hosin Bensaad, changed the locks in a Moscow apartment where Selim is registered. According to Gorzhankin, the incident can be regarded as an attempt on the life of Stalin's great-grandson. The press attaché explained that the conflict in the family intensified after the publication of the book, one of the authors of which was Bensaad. “The situation has become very aggravated after the recent release of the book, which was prepared directly by Lana (writer Lana Parshina – Ed.) In collaboration with Selim,” Gorzhankin said. In 2019, it was reported that “black realtors “Threatened Stalin's

Russia proposes to ban online screening of films with sexual perversion

Vedomosti: Roskomnadzor wanted to ban online screening of films with sexual deviations with “non-traditional sexual relationships and sexual deviations.” Vedomosti writes about this with reference to the list of proposals for changes in the current legislation, which was discussed at a meeting of the Public Council under the department. As explained to the publication by sexologist and psychiatrist Irina Ayriyants, sexual deviations (perversions) include pedophilia , exhibitionism, sadism and masochism. Thus, the film “50 shades of gray”, the series “Billions” and “Happy End” may be banned. Currently, the legislation allows the display of such content (except for pedophilia) only with the mark “18+”.

Residents of developed countries were not ready to change habits to save the planet

Kantar Public: residents of the USA and European countries were not ready to change habits for the sake of the planet Residents of developed countries around the world are worried about climate change, but many underestimate the importance of measures affecting their daily life, an international study from the analytical company Kantar Public showed. Most of the respondents expressed their readiness to accept stricter environmental requirements, but almost half of the respondents were not ready to form new habits to save the planet, reports The Guardian. Nine thousand people from nine countries took part in the survey: European Great Britain, France , Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Poland, as well as from the USA, Singapore and New Zealand. According to the survey, 78 percent of respondents expressed concern about climate change, and 62 percent cited the climate crisis as a major global environmental problem. On average, three quarters of those

Bitcoin rate updated historical record

CoinDesk data: the bitcoin rate has updated a historical record, amounting to $ 67.65 thousand The bitcoin rate has updated a historical record, for the first time rising above 67 thousand dollars. This was indicated on Tuesday, November 9, according to data from the CoinDesk portal. At 02:40 Moscow time, bitcoin reached $ 67.65 thousand. Earlier it was reported that by the morning On Monday, November 8, the cryptocurrency market capitalization broke a record and exceeded $ 3 trillion for the first time. On the night of Monday, November 8, the bitcoin rate began to rise sharply compared to the last two weeks and soared above 66 thousand dollars in the morning for a coin. At the maximum, the price reached 66.34 thousand dollars. The coin was last traded at this level on October 21. Bitcoin reached 67 thousand only on October 20, after which it corrected.

Popular diet turns out to be harmful to reproductive function

Scientists: Mediterranean diet can negatively affect reproductive function , which is considered the best in many countries of the world, can negatively affect reproductive function. The New York Post writes about it. Despite the proven benefits in the prevention of dementia, diabetes, heart disease and even erectile dysfunction, according to Norwegian experts, such a diet can be harmful to health if it is not followed correctly. In particular, it can weaken the immune system and slow down the growth and development of children. The reason for this may be the large amount of pesticides and insecticides found in the purchased fruits and vegetables that form the basis of the Mediterranean diet. During the experiment, the participants ate a week as part of their usual Western diets, which included relatively small amounts of fruits , vegetables and wine. They then switched to a Mediterranean diet that includes lots of fruits and

День в истории: 9 ноября

Международный день против фашизма, расизма и антисемитизма 9 ноября во всем мире — Международный день против фашизма, расизма и антисемитизма. Он был установлен по инициативе Международной сети против расизма UNITED, объединяющей более 500 организаций из 49 стран. В ночь с 9 на 10 ноября 1938 года начался массовый еврейский погром в Германии, получивший название «Хрустальной ночи» или «Ночи разбитых витрин». Тогда нацисты убили более 90 человек, 30 тысяч евреев были схвачены и отправлены в концлагеря. Сотни синагог были сожжены, а тысячи витрин магазинов, принадлежавших евреям, разбиты — отсюда такое название погрома. Эти события в 1938 году положили начало Холокосту — массовому насилию в отношении еврейского народа, унесшего жизни около 6 миллионов человек.

The Ministry of Justice recognized the film about “Zionists” shot in the USSR as extremist

“Video recording & nbsp; named & ldquo; Secret and & nbsp; explicit. The objectives of the Zionist deed & rdquo; *, which is a black and white film, lasting from & nbsp; 1 hour 28 minutes 1 second to & nbsp; 1 hour 28 minutes 16 seconds & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the & nbsp; message says. The & nbsp; list indicates that & nbsp; this movie “ begins with & nbsp; images of ancient sculptures and & nbsp; text on the & nbsp; screen: & ldquo; & nbsp; this movie sets out the facts & hellip; & rdquo;, ends with an image nature and & nbsp; tree in & nbsp; web, accompanied by the words: & ldquo; Is & nbsp; doomed & nbsp; is & nbsp; a slow death or will it cleanse & nbsp; this web of worms? & rdquo ;. According to & nbsp; information in

Saakashvili announced beating in hospital

The lawyer of the ex-president of Georgia Gvaramia: Saakashvili was beaten by prison hospital workers after being taken from the prison in the city of Rustavi to the prison hospital in the Gldani district on the outskirts of Tbilisi. His letter with a statement was read by lawyer Nika Gvaramia during a briefing, reports TASS. The text of the letter says that the prison hospital staff pulled Saakashvili out of the car and began to beat him. “After my refusal they pushed me out by force, dragged me in the background of shouts and abuse of the criminals and hit me several times on the neck. They dragged me by the hair, and, of course, at that time I resisted them, “Gvaramia quoted the ex-president as saying. According to the defender, Saakashvili refuses treatment in a prison hospital, does not take medications and continues his hunger strike. The politician also