«Новый свод <…> сделает правила более полными, приведет их в соответствие с современным состоянием русского языка и актуальным уровнем науки о нем», — отмечают создатели документа. В тексте указывается, что сейчас русский язык опирается на «Правила русской орфографии и пунктуации», утвержденные в 1956 году — то есть, более 60 лет назад. Авторы инициативы подчеркивают, что за это время «появились новые слова, типы слов, конструкции, написание которых существующими правилами не регламентировано», а также обнаружился ряд пропусков и неточностей, которые требуют уточнения и обновления.
Day: November 9, 2021
The German parliament declared the “unethical” inclusion of Ukraine in the certification of SP-2
Bundestag deputy Gerdt: it is unethical to include a competitor of SP-2 in the certification process 2 “(SP-2) would be irrational and unethical. This statement was made by Waldemar Gerdt, a member of the Bundestag (German parliament) from the Alternative for Germany party, in a conversation with Izvestia. “It is highly irrational and unethical to include a project competitor in the certification process. Even in jurisprudence there is a concept of “bias”. The investigation excludes the person concerned from the proceedings, “Gerdt explained his unwillingness to allow the Ukrainian side to certify the project. The deputy believes that among the German leadership there are people who are dependent on the interests of the United States and therefore endanger their own economy. country. Earlier on November 9, it was reported that the Bundestag deputy from the Left party, the former head of the Committee on Economics and Energy, Klaus Ernst, assessed
Russia has officially approved the cost of housing until the end of 2021
The Ministry of Construction has determined the official prices for housing for each region of Russia For each region of Russia, the official cost per square meter of housing for the fourth quarter of 2021 has been approved … The indicators were determined by the Ministry of Construction, the corresponding order of the department was registered by the Ministry of Justice, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. As the newspaper notes, prices will remain at the same level until the end of the year only in 18 regions of the country. A noticeable rise in price was recorded in the Far East, in the Khabarovsk Territory the cost of a “square” was increased immediately by 12.4 thousand rubles, to 93.97 thousand. In the Amur Region, housing has added almost 7 thousand rubles in price (93.55 thousand per square meter). In Yakutia, “square” is now more than 100 thousand, and the average official cost
Cyberpunk 2077 was placed in the “Museum of Gaps”
Cyberpunk 2077 ends up in the American Museum of Gaps of Failure). This was reported by visitors to Reddit. As noted by the author of the note on the platform, the box with the game from the studio CD Projekt Red was placed in the Museum of Gaps. The title was placed next to No Man's Sky, which at one time also received mixed reviews from players and critics. A post with a photo of a Cyberpunk 2077 box in a Museum showcase went viral with almost 14,000 likes. “Wow, right next to Windows 8 Pro. Soon there will be Windows 11, ”joked the user under the nickname Jkaezorz. Some gamers noted that the creators of the game fixed most of the shortcomings a few months after the title went on sale. User IRockIntoMordor answered why Cyberpunk 2077 deserves a place in the Museum of Gaps: “If you install the
Ученые нашли новый вид динозавров, живших в Гренландии 214 миллионов лет назад
Researchers discover first dinosaur species that lived on #Greenland 214 million years ago https://t.co/7YfKnusB6t — Phys.org (@physorg_com) November 8, 2021 Двуногий травоядный ящер с длинной шеей был предшественником зауроподов, самых крупных наземных животных, когда-либо существовавших на планете. Новый вид получил название Issi saaneq, что в переводе с языка коренных народов острова означает «холодная кость». Останки динозавров (два хорошо сохранившихся черепа) были впервые обнаружены в 1994 году во время раскопок в Восточной Гренландии палеонтологами из Гарвардского университета. Изначально ученые считали, что окаменелости принадлежат платеозавру, известному динозавру с длинной шеей, который жил в Германии, Франции и Швейцарии в триасовый период. Но для того, чтобы установить правду, специалистам понадобилось почти 27 лет исследований. Команда провела микро-компьютерную томографию костей, которая позволила им создать цифровые 3D-модели внутренних структур и скелета. Исследования показали, что анатомия этих динозавров уникальна и найденные окаменелости принадлежат к совершенно новому виду, говорит ведущий автор работы Виктор Беккари, проводивший анализ в Лиссабонском университете NOVA. Ученые отмечают, что оба черепа принадлежат одному и тому же виду, к тому же они были довольно молодыми динозаврами. Эти травоядные гиганты вырастали от 3 до 10 метров и жили
Russian Railways agreed to enter QR codes on trains
Russian Railways: the company agrees to fulfill the government's requirements regarding the introduction of QR codes Deputy Head of the Russian Railways (RZD) Evgeny Charkin said at the Cnews forum that the company is ready to fulfill the instructions of the state on the introduction of QR codes for travel by rail. His words are reported by TASS.
Ukraine registered a new anti-COVID-19 mortality record
Head of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine: 833 people have died from COVID-19 in the country over the past 24 hours … Minister of Health of the Republic Viktor Lyashko told about this during a briefing. A recording of his speech was published on the department's Facebook page. According to the minister, over the past day, 833 people have died among patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Lyashko added that to date, the country has also allocated the largest number of beds for patients with coronavirus during the entire epidemic – 76,401 places. At the same time, the head of the Ministry of Health noted that the current mortality rate from coronavirus in Ukraine is one and a half -two times less than the peak values in individual European countries in 2021, and called the number of deaths a deferred indicator, which can show an increase within two to three weeks
Who attacked police officers and passers-by in Oslo turned out to be a Chechen
Verdens Gang: the man who attacked passers-by and the police in Oslo is a Chechen with Russian citizenship The man who attacked passers-by and police in the Bislett area of Oslo, Norway, turned out to be a Chechen with Russian citizenship. This is evidenced by data published by the newspaper Verdens Gang. According to the publication, about a year ago, a court sentenced him to compulsory psychiatric assistance for a similar assault committed in 2019.
The nutritionist spoke about the dangers of potatoes with meat and sandwiches with sausage
Nutritionist Makisha: there are foods that objectively contribute to overeating Her interview is published by the TV Center website. Makisha recommends eating meat with vegetables, such as eggplant, zucchini, carrots and cabbage. According to her, vegetables are rich in dietary fiber necessary for comfortable passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. She added that although potatoes are also considered a vegetable, it is best not to combine them with meat as they contain starch. Related materials 00:07 – January 10 ” The more culinary expanse, the more we eat “How food changes our consciousness, behavior and prevents weight loss – says a neuroscientist 00:01 – December 17, 2020 “Eclairs are not to blame, and in general there is no one's fault” Sweet, fatty and tasty: how familiar food is killing Russians The doctor also called the classic sausage and cheese sandwiches an undesirable combination of products. “There are foods that