Mishustin gave instructions on additional restrictions due to COVID-19 in the regions

Mishustin instructed the heads of regions to introduce additional restrictions, if necessary. The corresponding instruction was given by the Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishustin, reports TASS.

He also called for strict control over the observance of the restrictions already imposed. “Colleagues, I ask you to closely monitor the situation and make decisions promptly, actively work with the chief sanitary doctors in the regions. It is very important to strictly monitor compliance with restrictive measures. If necessary, jointly develop additional necessary measures, “the head of the Cabinet of Ministers said.

Mishustin asked the governors to pay special attention to increasing the rate of vaccination against coronavirus.

Earlier, the Prime Minister said that the measures on the fight against coronavirus has been strengthened throughout the country, testing is ramping up. “The regional authorities made a decision taking into account the recommendations of sanitary doctors and the epidemiological situation on their territory. Measures to combat coronavirus have been strengthened throughout the country, including disinfection in transport, taxis, public places, ”he said.

