Infectionist of the Ministry of Health assessed the impact of non-working days on the situation with COVID-19

Infectionist Chulanov said that it will be possible to evaluate the effect of non-working days in Russia later

October to November 7, and in some regions have been extended, the situation with coronavirus will be possible in the future. This opinion was expressed by the chief freelance specialist in infectious diseases of the Ministry of Health, Professor Vladimir Chulanov. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

The infectious disease specialist noted that the situation with COVID-19 in the country remains tense. As for non-working days, their effect on the coronavirus pandemic will be delayed.

“Of course, we cannot see the effect at the moment, immediately, immediately after the end (of non-working days – approx.” “) , it will be somewhat delayed, “Chulanov said.

Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that four weeks ago the weekly growth rate was almost 18 percent, and last week the growth rate was 2.1 percent. This indicates a slowdown in the epidemiological process as a result of non-working days.

