Found the best sleep time for the heart

British scientists have found the time to fall asleep with the lowest risk of developing heart disease

: 00, lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, researchers from the UK have found. An article dedicated to the best time to fall asleep has been published in the European Heart Journal – Digital Health.

Huma Therapeutics analyzed data from more than 88,000 participants in the UK Biobank study. Information about when they fell asleep and woke up was collected using accelerometers wearable on the wrist over a period of seven days. In addition, the scientists also recorded their physical condition and social status.

The health of the participants was monitored for six years. Scientists found that 3,172 participants (3.6 percent) developed cardiovascular disease during this time. Most often, they were exposed to those who went to bed at midnight and later, less – those who fell asleep in the interval from 22:00 to 22:59. Researchers analyzed the relationship between bedtime and cardiovascular disease, taking into account concomitant factors – the duration and regularity of sleep, the person's chronotype, and so on.

It was found that those who fell asleep at midnight or later , the risk of developing cardiovascular disease was 25 percent higher compared to those who fell asleep at 22: 00-23: 00. It was 24 percent higher for those who went to bed earlier than this, and 12 percent higher for those who did it between 23:00 and 24:00. Further analysis showed that the association with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease was stronger in women, while in men it remained significant only for those who fell asleep before 10:00 pm.

