Completed repair of the overpass in the south-west of Moscow

Pyotr Biryukov: the repair of the Sevastopol overpass in the south-west of Moscow has been completed

The specialists of the municipal services complex have completed the overhaul of the Sevastopol overpass in the south-west of the capital. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow Pyotr Biryukov.

“This overpass was built in 1986 and since then has never been overhauled. Over time, the concrete of the superstructures collapsed, leaks and corrosion appeared, rutting appeared on the road surface, which could negatively affect road safety, “he said.

The workers repaired the reinforced concrete slab of the roadway and the supports of the superstructure , replaced expansion joints, waterproofing and asphalt concrete pavement, installed new lighting masts. The work was carried out in stages, while maintaining traffic on two lanes in each direction. For pedestrians, two unregulated pedestrian crossings were made at different ends of the overpass.

“Over the past 10 years, each bridge facility has undergone various types of repairs, which made it possible to extend the service life and create more comfortable conditions for the movement of drivers and pedestrians”, – concluded the deputy mayor.

