Chinese city on the border with Russia closed due to outbreak of coronavirus

In the Chinese city of Heihe on the border with the Russian Federation, a lockdown was introduced due to the outbreak of COVID-19

An outbreak of coronavirus occurred in the Chinese city of Haihe, located in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang on the border with Russia – it is located across the river from the Russian Blagoveshchensk. Local authorities announced a tough lockdown and promised a reward for information about the source of the disease, writes RIA Novosti.

At the moment, it is known about two hundred infected. The local propaganda department through the social network WeChat told the residents that for the valuable data on the beginning of the outbreak, they promise a reward of 100 thousand yuan (that's $ 15.6 thousand). Citizens are also urged to report illegal border crossings, prohibited hunting and fishing, and the purchase of imported goods via the Internet without the consent of the authorities.

Lockdown in the city has been in effect since October 28: only one person from the family can leave the house once a day. for two days, enterprises work under a strict access control, public transport and taxis do not go, the city is closed for entry and exit, the only exceptions are special cases.

At the end of October, it was reported that the Chinese customs suspended the acceptance of merchant ships from two Russian companies after the coronavirus was found in seafood packages.

