British Army to introduce sexual consent training

The Times: UK to provide sexual consent training for recruits

British Army recruits will be given sexual consent training as part of the plan to combat harassment and violence. The innovation became known to The Times following a meeting of British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace with members of the Army Council.

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The Defense Minister called the meeting after a report on the treatment of women in the armed forces, prepared by a parliamentary commission led by Conservative MP Sarah Atherton. It reported that nearly two-thirds of women experienced bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination while serving in the military.

However, almost 40 percent of 993 respondents reported that their experience with the complaints system was “extremely poor “. In total, according to information from the report, more than 20 thousand women are currently serving in the British army.

As a result of the meeting, it was decided that the Royal Military Police would conduct training on sexual consent for recruits. However, the Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Mark Carlton-Smith, expressed a desire to organize similar trainings for all soldiers and officers. According to him, the army has “fundamental cultural problems” that need to be addressed.

The purpose of the trainings will be not only to eradicate delinquency, but also to teach “the complexities of consent.” In addition, the trainings will talk about the dangers of pornography as an “obscene and extreme image” of women.

“The British army is only as good as the people who serve in it. Recent events have highlighted important issues in which all military personnel must play a role, ”Wallace and Carlton-Smith said following the meeting.

On October 22, it became known that British troops who served in Iraq from 2003 to 2009 year, escaped punishment on 1291 charges of crimes against humanity. The soldier was accused of massive torture, beatings and abductions, but UK investigators closed all cases and did not bring a single soldier to justice.

