United Russia will propose to increase housing costs for people with disabilities

“United Russia” will propose to double budget spending on housing for people with disabilities This was stated by the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Anna Kuznetsova during the discussion of amendments to the draft budget for the second reading.

According to her, in the draft budget for the next three years it is necessary to revise some items of expenditure.

“One of the most serious issues, in our opinion, is the issue of providing housing for disabled people who were on the waiting list even before 2005. According to the Accounting Chamber, the rate of provision of residential space is so low that the number of people who, so to speak, solved their housing problem is half the number of people who have lost this right, ”TASS quoted her as saying.

Anna Kuznetsova noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered by January 1, 2025 to fulfill the obligations taken by the regions to provide housing for disabled people of this category.

“But now the draft budget for these purposes has a total of 5.6 billion rubles for three years. We propose to at least double the costs. This will additionally provide housing for several thousand more people with special needs, “Kuznetsova summed up.

