The puppy bought by the family turned out to be a fox and ate the neighbour's chickens and guinea pigs

Reuters: Dog acquired by a Peruvian family turned out to be an Andean fox

A dog bought by a family from the Peruvian city of Lima turned out to be an Andean fox. This is reported by Reuters.

Maribel Sotelo and her son purchased a puppy in a small store in the city center. They christened him Ran-Ran and, until he grew up, were sure that they had brought in a purebred dog. At first, their pet happily played with the neighboring dogs, but then his behavior began to change.

Ran-Ran got into the habit of hunting chickens and ducks, which were kept by neighbors. Then Ran-Ran ate three large guinea pigs and escaped from the master's house. As it turned out, under the guise of a dog, the family sold a cub of an Andean fox – a South American predator with thin legs, a fluffy tail, a pointed muzzle and large ears.

Sotelo had to pay compensation to the owners of the dead animals. Environmental police and representatives of the National Forest and Wildlife Service are looking for the animal to be placed in a specialized center or zoo.

Veterinarian and wildlife specialist Walter Silva said that many wild animals are brought to Lima by poachers from the Amazon … “Many animals are caught in childhood. To do this, their parents are killed, and they themselves are illegally sold on the black market. In this case, the fox was sold under the guise of a domestic dog, “he explained.

Illegal trade in animals is considered a crime in Peru and is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to five years.

Earlier it was reported that a resident of the Argentine city of Santa Rosa de Liles, province of Tucuman, picked up a kitten on the street, and later found out that it was a baby jaguarundi cougar. The owner of the kitten was upset that she had to part with the pet, but realized that she did the right thing by giving it to the specialists.

