The Prosecutor General's Office asked the court to consider the Furgal case in the Moscow region

The Prosecutor General's Office: the consideration of the Furgal case in the Khabarovsk Territory will be biased and not in the Khabarovsk Territory. It is argued that otherwise the hearing will be biased, since the accused has a wide range of connections in the region. On Monday, November 8, TASS reports with reference to its correspondent in the hall of the Supreme Court.

The defense of Furgal, accused of organizing the murders of businessmen, asks to consider the criminal case in the Khabarovsk Railway Court. At the same time, the Prosecutor General's Office believes that, being in the “home” region, Furgal will be able to interfere with the objective consideration of the case. In particular, he will be able to use his connections. The department also recalled that the detention of Furgal was accompanied by mass unrest. For this reason, the Supreme Court was asked to postpone the hearing of the case to the capital region.

The prosecutor's office also asked the court in connection with the epidemiological situation to extend the term of Furgal's arrest for another six months. At the same time, his defense believes that the position of the prosecutor's office is of a political nature.

According to the investigation, Furgal created a criminal group that attempted the murder of Alexander Smolsky from 2004 to 2005, and also dealt with businessmen Yevgeny Zorey and Oleg Bulatov. The motive for the crimes was Furgal's desire to expand his business. Smolsky was a direct competitor to Furgal and his partner Nikolai Mistryukov. Two grenades were thrown into Smolsky's garage, but he survived.

Zorya was eliminated due to a conflict over a reinforced concrete plant. Bulatov, a former police officer and business partner of Furgal and Mistryukov, was also killed when he began to suspect both of the reprisals against competitors.

