Russian lawyer spoke about the procedure for obtaining new vaccination certificates

Lawyer Gavrishev: vaccination certificates will be replaced with those updated before March 1, 2022

The original COVID-19 vaccination documents will be automatically replaced with updated before March 1, 2022. Data on re-registration will be communicated to each citizen in a personal account on public services. Alexey Gavrishev, a lawyer and head of AVG Legal, told Izvestia about this procedure.

It was difficult to combat the massive falsification of vaccination certificates in Russia before the introduction of a single sample, the expert noted. “The form introduced by the ministry should help in identifying and revoking fake certificates,” Gavrishev explained.

He suggested that previously issued fake certificates would be automatically revoked using a complex technical renewal procedure.

If a person wants to receive an updated vaccination document in paper form, he needs to apply with the appropriate application to the MFC. In addition, a paper version of the certificate can be ordered on the portal of state services, added Gavrishev.

Under the new order of the Ministry of Health, a certificate of vaccination of a new sample will be available in electronic form on state services no later than three days after vaccination. The document will say when, where and with what vaccine the person was vaccinated.

In addition, the certificate will include information about revaccination, the presence of medical contraindications and whether the person has suffered from COVID-19. The document will also contain information about the availability of a QR code. It will be made the same for all regions of Russia. Thus, the likelihood of making a fake will decrease, the lawyer is sure.

From November 8, Russians can receive new certificates of vaccination against coronavirus, medical contraindications to it, or a past illness. The document is available in English and Russian, and can be obtained in paper or electronic form. The certificate will contain detailed information about the owner, data from SNILS and the compulsory medical insurance policy, as well as contraindications to vaccination.

