Polish opposition calls for NATO consultations over migrants

Polish opposition leader Tusk: Poland is on the verge of aggravating relations with Belarus

Warsaw is on the verge of aggravating relations with Minsk due to the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border, which requires consultations within the framework of NATO. This was stated by the former head of the European Commission (EC), former prime minister of Poland and the current leader of the opposition Donald Tusk, RIA Novosti reports.

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The politician said that he is very concerned about the situation on the eastern border, where hundreds of illegal migrants are attempting to forcefully invade Poland. “Perhaps it's time to think about whether we should launch Article 4 of NATO if our border is directly subject to physical pressure with the participation of Belarusians, that is, I'm talking about Belarusian services,” Tusk stressed.

Article 4 presupposes consultations of NATO members if, in the opinion of one of the parties, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the members of the alliance is threatened.

“In my opinion, this is absolutely a reason for to begin consultations within the framework of the North Atlantic Pact, since this already concerns the security of the entire eastern border of the European Union and NATO countries, such as Poland and Lithuania, “concluded Tusk.

Earlier, Poland transferred terrorist fighters to the border with Belarus for protection from the crowd of illegal migrants. The Polish Border Guard also released a video showing crowds of migrants walking towards the Polish-Belarusian border. The footage shows people of all ages with bags and bales.

The migration crisis on the borders of Belarus and the European Union began at the end of May. Large groups of illegal migrants from Africa and the Middle East began to storm the borders of Lithuania, Poland and Latvia in the hope of obtaining asylum in the European Union. It is assumed that the Belarusian authorities use their national tour operator Tsentrkurort to transport migrants to the EU borders and make money on it.

