Man adopted immediately after birth found his own mother 40 years later

An American for 40 years has been looking for his own mother and found using a website to find relatives

In San Diego USA, Tobay Houghton was reunited with his own mother , who gave him up for adoption immediately after birth, after 40 years of separation. This is reported by the Daily Mail.

Houghton began searching for his biological mother in 1982. The man said that the adoptive father was always frank with him and never interfered with his meeting with the parent. At the age of 12, the American sent a request to the adoption agency, but did not receive any information about the mother, and began an independent investigation, which lasted 40 years.

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At the age of 20, he managed to get his birth certificate, which indicated only the name of his mother. However, this information did not help in any way, and Houghton could not find any additional data on the woman for decades.

One day, an American registered on a website to search for missing relatives by DNA, and his data matched a girl named Alicia. She turned out to be his cousin. Alicia helped Houghton to contact his aunt, and his aunt gave his nephew his mother's phone.

For two years, relatives communicated remotely – they passed DNA tests, which confirmed their blood connection. Houghton traveled three thousand kilometers to see his mother. Upon meeting, the man burst into tears in the arms of his parent, who calmed him down and invited him to her home to drink wine and talk.

The American admitted that he had no grudge against his mother because she had given him up for adoption. “I understood that she gave me away so that I had a chance for a better life,” he concluded.

Earlier it was reported that a woman separated from her son 10 days after giving birth found him 52 years later. The newborn was taken by the woman's parents, who believed that their daughter was still too young to be a mother.

