Lithuania sent troops to the border with Belarus due to the situation with migrants

The head of the Lithuanian border service Rustamas Lyubayevas announced the transfer of troops to the border

Lithuanian troops are sent to the borders with Belarus and Poland. It is also planned to bring an additional contingent of soldiers on alert. The measures were announced by the head of the state border guard service, General Rustamas Lyubayevas, at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Committee.

Lithuania is strengthening border control in connection with the appearance of a large crowd of migrants at the Polish-Belarusian border. The country is preparing for different scenarios of the development of the situation, the border service coordinates actions with the police and the headquarters of the Lithuanian army.

At the same time, the Lithuanian Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed to introduce a state of emergency in the country. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lithuania Agne Bilotaite said that such a measure would soon be discussed in the government of the republic.

The reaction of the state authorities of Lithuania followed along with the Polish statement on convening an anti-crisis headquarters in connection with the aggravated situation at the border.

On November 8, about a thousand migrants in a column came to the Belarusian-Polish border not far from the Bruzgi checkpoint. Some of them managed to damage the barbed wire fence and infiltrate the territory of the European Union. Poland urgently sent a detachment of border guards to the site, and the country's Minister of War Mariusz Blaschak announced an increase in the combat readiness of the army.

