Iraq predicted chaos after assassination attempt on prime minister

Orientalist Truevtsev: an assassination attempt on the Iraqi prime minister could plunge the country into chaos

Kazan plunge the country into chaos. This assumption in a conversation with “” was expressed by a leading researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Konstantin Truevtsev.

Iraq was on the road to stabilization after the decisive victory of the movement of Shiite cleric Muqtad al-Sadr in the October elections, he said. However, an attack on the country's prime minister could significantly worsen the situation in the country. The orientalist recalled that the assassination attempt was preceded by clashes between Sunni and Shiite radicals in Diyala province. “This attack is a link in a chain of events that could potentially destabilize the situation,” he predicted.

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At the same time, Truevtsev ruled out a scenario in which the situation could reach the level of intervention of other states in Iraq. According to him, such a step will only harm Iran, and there are simply no other forces capable of doing this in the region: Saudi Arabia is too involved in the war in Yemen, Turkey is also focused on other foreign policy tasks, and it is extremely difficult to imagine an Israeli invasion of Iraq. “Therefore, I absolutely exclude any possibility of foreign intervention at the moment,” the expert noted.

Earlier, al-Kazimi said that he knew who tried to kill him with a drone with explosives directed at the residence. The prime minister noted that those who committed this crime will be prosecuted and exposed. In the country's Interior Ministry, the attempt to assassinate the politician was called a terrorist attack. The representative of the department stressed that the attack was carried out using three unmanned aerial vehicles, two of which were shot down. At the same time, the third drone hit al-Kazimi's house – as a result, several of the prime minister's security officers were injured.

On the night of November 7, Al Arabiya TV channel reported that the Iraqi prime minister was hospitalized after a drone attack on his residence in Baghdad. The politician was taken to the hospital with minor injuries, but later he said that “everything is in order.” The United States called the incident an “obvious terrorist act” and offered Iraqi assistance in investigating the assassination attempt.

