Doctor Komarovsky dispelled the myth about milk teeth

Doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky said that “sealing” milk teeth is useless … The corresponding post appeared on the doctor's Instagram account.

The TV presenter said that the procedure of “sealing” the teeth, that is, covering them with a special solution consisting of calcium and phosphorus, really helps to protect the child from tooth decay. “Children's teeth have a rather thin enamel, and babies still don't really know how to take care of their teeth,” he said.

At the same time, Komarovsky noted that “sealing” is absolutely useless for children with milk teeth. The doctor advised parents to think about this procedure when the child's milk teeth will be replaced by permanent ones.

Earlier, the TV presenter told whether it is worth getting vaccinated against chickenpox for adolescents who had never been sick with it before. According to Komarovsky, you can get vaccinated only on one condition: if the child has definitely not had chickenpox. The doctor emphasized that parental confidence in this should be “downright radical”.

