Details of the murder of a civilian in Karabakh revealed

WarGonzo: Azerbaijani soldier in the Shushi region shot at close range civilians

Telegram channel WarGonzo reported that eyewitnesses to the murder of a civilian the city of Shusha in Nagorno-Karabakh revealed the details of the incident.

10 employees of the water utility of the unrecognized republic worked in the neutral zone, who were divided into two groups of five people each. They were in the immediate vicinity of the post of the Azerbaijani military and worked under their supervision.

Suddenly, one of the military went towards the employees of the water utility, took a pistol from a holster on the way and without warning shot a whole clip at people, writes WarGonzo. The shots were fired from a distance of about 5 meters, that is, almost point-blank, the Telegram-channel said.

Earlier, the National Security Service of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic stated that as a result of shelling from the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in the region One person died and three were injured in the city of Shushi. According to the ministry, the military opened fire on civilians who were carrying out repair work on the water supply.

