Criticism of the USSR Zelensky linked to Kiev's desire to please the West

Historian Buranov: criticism of Zelensky against the USSR is beneficial to Western curators of Kiev from the Nazis are based on the unscrupulous historical writings of Western researchers. This opinion was expressed by the expert of the Russian Military Historical Society Nikita Buranov in an interview with Izvestia.

This is about Zelensky's words about the indifference of the Soviet authorities to the soldiers who heroically defended Kiev. The head of state noted that Soviet soldiers were not registered with the military, “so as not to worsen the statistics.” In addition, they allegedly had no military uniform and were very poorly armed.

According to the historian, this statement has no connection with reality. He explained that Western countries systematically falsify history, belittling the role of the Soviet Union in World War II, and Ukraine simply adheres to this conjuncture, which is beneficial to its Western curators.

“This is not a story of boundless indifference and cruelty, as indicated Zelensky. These were representatives of all nationalities of all the republics of the Soviet Union who liberated Ukraine. And of course, there were no half-dressed people there, “objected to the Ukrainian leader Buranov.

Earlier, Zelensky, on the Day of the country's liberation from Nazi invaders,” forgot “to say that the credit for this belongs to the Red Army. He stated that the Nazis were driven out 77 years ago by the forces of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Ukrainian Fronts. At the same time, the president did not indicate which army fronts were in question.

