Crime boss Hans will be released after 12 years in prison for murder

URA.RU: Tyumen authority Yuri Tishenkov is preparing to leave the colony where he spent 12 years

Criminal authority Yuri Tishenkov underworld like Hans, preparing to leave the colony, where he spent 12 years for organizing murders. This is reported by URA.RU.

He is to be released on November 9 from a strict regime colony located in the village of Potma, Zubovo-Polyansky district of the Republic of Mordovia. Tishenkov has been in custody since November 11, 2009, the verdict of the Tyumen Regional Court entered into force on December 8, 2010.

The release of Hans will not affect the crime situation in the region, moreover, he does not intend to stay in Tyumen, indicates the source of the publication. According to him, Tishenkov is going to a sanatorium for treatment as soon as he is released. After his release, Hans plans to lead a calm lifestyle, not getting involved in dark affairs.

