Authorities explained the shortening of the validity of vaccination certificates

The duration of vaccination certificates was shortened & nbsp; in & nbsp; links with & nbsp; technical works & lp; State services & rdquo;, according to the & nbsp; message of the Ministry of Digital Science and & nbsp; Ministry of Health, which came to & nbsp; RBC.

“ QR codes that Russians receive on the & nbsp; portal of state services after vaccination against & nbsp; COVID raquop; are valid for the entire period & nbsp; ;, & nbsp; & mdash; explained in the & nbsp; departments.

Rospotrebnadzor explained a negative PCR test for coronavirus

QR codes remain the same. “ Now the portal is operating in & nbsp; normal mode, QR codes are being restored & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in the & nbsp; message.

Users noticed the change in the expiration date of the codes on the morning of November 8 & nbsp; & mdash; instead of a year, the & nbsp; certificate indicated 6 months, for some, this way the certificates in the morning turned out to be invalid. After the appearance of news about & nbsp; this in the & nbsp; work of the site “ Gosuslugi '' crash occurred & nbsp; & mdash; some users received a notification about an & nbsp; error when & nbsp; tried to access the & nbsp; portal.

In the summer, the Russian Ministry of Health reported that & nbsp; the validity period of the QR code confirming vaccination against coronavirus could be reduced from & nbsp; one year to & nbsp; six months in & nbsp; in the event of a worsening epidemiological situation.

