World's first country to approve molnupiravir for coronavirus treatment

UK first approves molnupiravir tablets for COVID-19

UK is the first in the world to approve molnupiravir from Merck & Coavir … This was announced on Twitter by the head of the British Ministry of Health, Sajid Javid.

“This will benefit the most vulnerable segments of the population – now we are working to provide them with patients,” Javid wrote.

In a video message, he also added that the British will be able to take these pills at home. The drug has already received approval from an independent UK regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Administration (MHRA). He recognized molnupiravir as effective and safe.

According to studies, the drug halves the risk of hospitalization with coronavirus. If approved, it could become the world's first oral drug for COVID-19.

Every volunteer who took part in the drug trials had at least one risk factor for severe coronavirus infection … The most common were obesity, old age, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Almost 80 percent of the participants contracted new variants of the coronavirus – “gamma”, “delta” and “mu”.



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