Weather hazard was predicted for a number of Russian regions

Meteorologist Vilfand: dangerous weather will come to Altai, Primorye and Kemerovo region

regions declared a yellow level of weather hazard. According to him, unfavorable weather will come to the Kemerovo Region, Altai and Primorsky Territories, TASS reports.

Vilfand said that from November 7 to 8, warming will bring unfavorable weather to the Kemerovo Region with wet snow and strong winds up to 20 meters per second, and in Altai – severe icy due to temperature changes. The meteorologist predicted the “most difficult” situation in Primorye: intense precipitation, hurricane wind and high waves are expected there from November 8.

“Our colleagues from Primorsky UGMS issued a storm warning there. Heavy rains and very heavy rains are forecasted in the afternoon on November 8 and at night on November 9. Very heavy rains – this means that 50 millimeters or more will fall in 12 hours, this is very intense precipitation, of course, “- said Vilfand.

According to the meteorologist, ice phenomena are also predicted in Primorye, wind from 15 up to 20 meters per second, on the coast of Vladivostok – up to 25-30 meters per second, at the headlands of the coast – up to 35-37 meters per second.

“There will be a hurricane. This is due to the cyclone outlet. In the Gulf of Peter the Great, the waves will reach heights of 2.5-3.5 meters, in the open part of the sea – 5 meters, ”Vilfand concluded.

The yellow level of weather hazard will operate in the Altai Territory until 23:00 November 7, and in the Kemerovo region – until 2 pm on November 8.

Earlier, Vilfand advised Russians to change tires on wheels for winter ones because of the cold snap. According to his forecast, on Tuesday, November 9, the temperature in the center of European Russia will drop to zero.

