Wasserman named an easy way to develop mental abilities

Wasserman said that mental abilities can be developed through intellectual games

Intelligence can be developed through intellectual games. Such a simple way was named by the multiple winner of intellectual TV games, journalist, member of the State Duma Committee on Education Anatoly Wasserman, writes URA.ru.

According to him, such games are a simplified version of scientific activity. “For example, the classic game” What? Where? When? ” or its sports version. Intellectual development through games is due to the search for non-trivial regularities, because these are games not for knowledge, but for the search for relationships between some well-known facts, “Wasserman said.

At the same time, he noted that games, that are related to financial activities cannot contribute to the development of abilities in the monetary sphere. For example, the spread of Monopoly in the United States did little to change the state of business. This game is fun and nothing more, the State Duma deputy concluded.

Earlier, Wasserman, who became a member of the Duma faction “Fair Russia – For the Truth”, said that the country needs to solve the problem of mass campaigning against vaccinations. He added that it is unacceptable to force people to get vaccinated.

