US Navy named ship after gay rights activist

In the US, the tanker was named after Harvey Milk, the country's first openly gay politician

US Navy decided to name the tanker in honor of the country's first openly gay politician, activist Harvey Milk, who fights for LGBTQ rights. The ceremony took place in San Diego, California on November 6. Mayor Todd Gloria tweeted this.

“I am honored to be with the Secretary of the Navy and so many state, federal and local officials to name the USNS Harvey Milk. Harvey was a beacon of hope not only for LGBTQ people, but for all Americans. Now this ship will become a symbol of hope for the whole world, “- said in the message.

In its release, the US Navy said that Harvey Milk served in the navy during the Korean War. After leaving the service, he took a job on the San Francisco Supervisory Board in 1977 and became “the first openly gay man elected to an official in California.” In November 1978, Milk was shot.

Earlier it became known that for the first time in the United States issued a passport with a mark of the third gender “X”. The State Department stressed that Washington is committed to promoting freedom and equality for all people, including representatives of the LGBT community.



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