The White House will consider the possibility of the US not using nuclear weapons first

Politico: White House to Consider US Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons First be the first to use nuclear weapons. This is reported by Politico, citing sources in the White House.

Biden's aides will explore the possibility of announcing that the “sole purpose” of the US nuclear arsenal is to contain a nuclear conflict, rather than use it in response to conventional military action or another strategic attack. The Pentagon opposes these opportunities in connection with the alleged “arms build-up by Russia and China”, follows from the material.

Earlier, The Washington Post reported that the US administration will hold a series of closed meetings that will nuclear policy. In particular, officials will discuss the transition to the principle of non-use of nuclear weapons first.

Biden himself supported the idea of ​​updating the US strategy on nuclear weapons. Moreover, in 2017, he questioned the idea that the American side would one day need to strike first.



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