The State Duma proposed to award the Russian national beach soccer team

Deputy of the State Duma Svishchev proposed to present the Russian national beach soccer team in the state award

football. Thus, he reacted to the victory of athletes at the Intercontinental Cup-2021, his words are quoted by “Sport Express”.

The parliamentarian stressed that beach athletes traditionally demonstrated phenomenal results and deserve the highest awards, they practically never have failed tournaments … He congratulated the players and expressed his admiration for them.

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“The older brothers in the classics need to learn a little from the beachgoers. Our beach soccer team deserves the highest awards. Maybe from the Ministry of Sports. Or maybe from the government. No other country in the world can boast of such results! They make us very happy! ” – Svishchev said.

He recalled that Olympic champions are presented for an award, and beach football is no worse than other sports. The deputy concluded that the national team glorifies Russian sports, and one should be proud of that.

The Russian beach soccer team won the Intercontinental Cup for the fourth time in its history. On November 6, in the final of the tournament held in Dubai (UAE), the Russians beat Iran with a score of 3: 2. Boris Nikonorov scored all three goals for the Russian national team.



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