The Russian Orthodox Church urged to introduce fines in Russia for the lack of QR codes as soon as possible

Metropolitan Hilarion: the sooner fines for the lack of QR codes are introduced in Russia, the better

In Russia, you need to enter QR as soon as possible -codes and penalties for their absence for the fight against coronavirus. This was called for by the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations (OVCC) of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk, on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel, RIA Novosti reports.

“Sooner or later we will come to this, and how the sooner we come to this, the better, “he said.

According to the Metropolitan, every day the country loses about a thousand people, which is tantamount to the daily loss of a regiment in a war. He suggested that the current situation can be compared to a national catastrophe.

At the same time, Hilarion believes that the revolution will not happen in the country due to non-compliance with measures against coronavirus.

At the moment, in some Russian regions introduced QR codes for visiting public places. Members of the Russian government are also required to provide the code to confirm that they have a coronavirus vaccine, a negative PCR test, or a certificate of a past illness.

According to the director of the Gamaleya Institute, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Gintsburg, the QR system -codes must be in effect until at least 80 percent of the country's population is vaccinated. In his opinion, it has shown effectiveness in other countries, where for unvaccinated citizens there are restrictions on visiting any places or using the infrastructure.

