The Russian Foreign Ministry spoke about the ongoing dialogue with the United States despite the disagreements

Zakharova: the dialogue between the Russian Federation and the United States on strategic stability is ongoing, despite the disagreements Soloviev Live spoke about the ongoing dialogue with the US on strategic stability, which is ongoing despite the differences.

“In recent years, the United States has done a lot to bring strategic stability to a state of instability. There are big disagreements, but at the same time there is an understanding of the need to create two thematic working groups, within which the dialogue should develop, “she explained.

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The Foreign Ministry spokeswoman concluded that following the leaders' meeting, a comprehensive dialogue on strategic stability is already being implemented, the purpose of which is to lay the foundations for the future comprehensive arms control.

Earlier, Zakharova said that Moscow is ready for dialogue with Washington. The question is whether the United States can negotiate on an equal footing. According to her, the American side should stop trying to interfere in the internal affairs of other states and not allow the thought that Russia is ready “to sacrifice its sovereignty in the broadest sense of the word for the sake of someone's interests.”



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