The Ministry of Health announced the imminent completion of the examination of the children's vaccine against COVID-19

Murashko: examination of a children's vaccine against COVID-19 based on Sputnik V is close to completion

Examination of a children's vaccine against coronavirus Russian Sputnik V is close to completion. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko during a working trip to the Ryazan region, he is quoted by TASS.

According to the head of the department, it is very important to protect young children from the virus.

The minister added that the incidence of coronavirus among children is growing in Russia – now more than three thousand underage patients with COVID-19 in the Ryazan region are under the supervision of doctors.

In addition, Murashko spoke about the supply of additional volumes of Sputnik Light – they will start from 8 November. He stressed that the authorities see a high demand for the drug.

Earlier, the infectious disease specialist Malyshev revealed the peculiarity of the children's vaccine against COVID-19. According to him, the amount of antigen in the preparation for minors will be less than in the adult vaccine, while the vaccine will retain its protective functions. Also, the reactogenicity of the drug will become lower – its property to cause side effects, the specialist emphasized.

