The Ministry of Health announced an increase in the incidence of coronavirus in children

Murashko: Children's incidence of COVID-19 in Russia is growing

Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko announced an increase in the incidence of coronavirus among children in the country. His words are quoted by TASS.

The head of the Ministry of Health said this during a working trip to the Ryazan region, where, according to Murashko, more than three thousand children are under surveillance due to COVID-19.

< p> He added that a vaccine based on Sputnik V has been developed for children. “It is very important to protect young children, now the examination of a new dosage form is being completed. In the near future, we expect that [the vaccine] will be available, “Murashko noted.

Earlier, the Gamaleya Center said that the concentration of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine was reduced by 5 times to vaccinate adolescents. 10 times for younger children.

