Russian woman saw porn on the Internet with her participation and reported rape

A 23-year-old Muscovite reported rape to the police after a party in an apartment

apartment and reported the rape to the police. This is reported by KP.RU.

The 23-year-old Russian woman, whose name has not been disclosed, was invited to the event by her friend Masha. She assured that her friends would be at the party. In an unfamiliar apartment belonging to one of the young people, a large company gathered, having fun and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Toward night, the heroine of the material felt unwell and went into the next room, where she lay down on the bed and fell asleep. At about 5 am she woke up and found herself in another room. The girl found it difficult to remember how she moved from one room to another, but did not attach much importance to this and fell asleep again. Waking up closer to dinner, she saw familiar people in the apartment.

Already at home, the Russian woman drew attention to painful hematomas on her knees. Then the girl went to her page on one of the social networks, where she found photographs from the previous night: in some frames she was in only underwear. Then she came across a video filmed in the aforementioned apartment. The Russian woman was captured naked during intercourse with one of the party participants. Realizing that a crime had been committed against her, the victim turned to the police and wrote a statement about the rape.

“The girl went over with alcohol and passed out. The helpless state of the victim was taken advantage of by one of the guests, who undressed her and had sexual intercourse with the girl. Everything that happened was filmed by another guest of the party. They posted the video on a social network, ”a law enforcement source told the publication.

Currently, the police are conducting a check at the request of the girl. Operatives are looking for all the guests of the event. Investigators will have to reconstruct the whole picture of the events of the night and find out exactly who took part in the illegal actions against the 23-year-old Muscovite.

Earlier in November, a model from Yekaterinburg who claimed to have been raped was caught in a lie because of ice cream. According to eyewitnesses, she ate it calmly at the very moment at which she was allegedly abducted by force.

