Russian diplomat who died in Germany turned out to be the son of an FSB general

Kommersant: Russian diplomat Kirill Zhalo, found dead in Berlin, turned out to be the son of an FSB general FSB for the protection of the constitutional order of Lieutenant General Alexei Zhalo. His identity was revealed by Kommersant.

Previously, Kirill Zhalo fell from one of the upper floors of the embassy building on Berenstrasse in the Mitte district of Berlin. Since the summer of 2019, he has been accredited as the second secretary of the diplomatic mission. However, later, an undercover secret service officer was suspected of him. At the same time, from November 1 to 4, his name was removed from the diplomatic list of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The body of the 35-year-old diplomat was transferred to Russia, Moscow did not allow an autopsy to be carried out in Germany.

The Russian Embassy in Germany, for ethical reasons, declined to comment on the incident. The FRG Ministry of Foreign Affairs also did not give any comments. “I ask for your understanding that for reasons of protecting the personal data of the deceased and loved ones, I cannot give other details,” said the representative of the German Foreign Ministry Christopher Burger.

The body of the secretary of the Russian diplomatic mission was found on the sidewalk in front of the embassy in Berlin … According to the preliminary version, the diplomat fell out of the window.



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