Russian diplomat spoke about the transportation of Ukrainian arms near Donbass

Permanent Representative to the OSCE Lukashevich: The Armed Forces of Ukraine have stepped up the transportation of weapons near Donbass (Ukrainian Armed Forces) stepped up the transportation of weapons near the contact line by rail near Donbass. This is reported by RIA Novosti.

According to him, over the past week the Ukrainian army transported 24 tanks through the Konstantinovka station, nine tanks and six Gvozdika howitzers through Druzhkovka, and twenty-seven Hyacinth howitzers through Rubezhnoye. -B “and” Msta-B “and five anti-tank guns” Rapier “. The Russian diplomat wondered where all this equipment was going, and urged to maximize monitoring at the contact line.

Earlier, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on November 4 elected a party deputy as a new Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories “Servant of the People” Irina Vereshchuk. 260 deputies voted for her candidacy. Vereshchuk during the meeting answered the question about the time frame for the “return” of Crimea and Donbass under the control of Kiev. “Not everything depends on the Ukrainian side. But we are doing everything we can to make this day come. I will not name the date, but this day and hour will come, ”the Deputy Prime Minister promised.



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