Russian arrested in Belarus faces new charges

Dudnikov, arrested in Belarus, was charged with inciting social hatred The new accusation is reported on the Telegram channel of the human rights center Viasna, which is not registered by the Belarusian authorities.

According to human rights activists, it is about inciting racial, national, religious or other social enmity or hatred under Part 3 of Article 130 of the Criminal Code Belarus. The punishment provides for from five to 12 years in prison.

Earlier, lawyer Anton Gashinsky said that a psychologist was allowed to visit a Russian arrested in Belarus. Dudnikov is being held in a pre-trial detention center in Minsk.

Russian Dudnikov moved to Belarus about a year ago for the sake of a girl. He was arrested at the end of May 2021 and is accused of organizing and preparing actions that grossly violate public order. He managed to pass a note from the pre-trial detention center, in which he said that the Belarusian security forces beat him and threatened to bury him alive.

