Russia demanded compensation from the United States for the loss of access to diplomatic property

Diplomat Koshelev: Russia demanded that the United States compensate for the loss of access to diplomatic property

diplomatic property. This was announced on the air of the RTVI TV channel by the Minister-Counselor of the Russian Embassy in Washington, Sergei Koshelev.

The Embassy Counselor explained that in total we are talking about six seized objects. “We do not have access, we cannot say the state of engineering communications, we cannot say in what state the material values ​​left there are. I can assure you that this is many tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, “he noted.

He also noted that the issue of diplomatic property is the most acute irritant in bilateral relations between states, which are already on a fairly large scale. low level. “We are most urgently demanding at all levels an unconditional return and, of course, compensation for the losses we have suffered,” the diplomat said.



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