Part of the ambulance doctors who changed their minds to quit signed up for vaccinations

Some of the ambulance doctors in the Jewish Autonomous Region, who changed their minds to quit, signed up for the vaccination

changed their minds to quit due to refusal to be vaccinated against COVID-19, signed up for vaccinations. This was reported on the website of the regional government.

“At the moment, ambulance workers are being examined by an infectious disease specialist. If someone is found to have objective contraindications to vaccination against a new coronavirus infection, these people will receive a medical treatment. Several people have already signed up for vaccinations. of the regional health department Andrei Lebedev, chief physician of the station Vladislav Kogan and members of the Legislative Assembly and the district administration.

On November 4, in Obluchye, a team of employees of an ambulance station, consisting of 15 people, refused to be vaccinated against coronavirus and resigned. Later, another 12 of their colleagues did the same. The Ministry of Health promised to find replacements for them, but on November 6 they changed their minds and began to withdraw their applications.

The ambulance driver of the city of Obluchye said that two paramedics did not withdraw their applications because they intend to quit for family reasons.

