New skin symptom of coronavirus named

Izvestia: false frostbite of fingers or covid fingers became a new symptom of COVID-19

Almost 20 percent of patients with COVID 19, skin symptoms of the disease are observed. In particular, a new symptom was found in patients – “covid fingers”. They represent areas of redness and swelling of the tips of the fingers and toes, on which bubbles and abscesses began to appear, resembling frostbite, Izvestia writes.

Experts from the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology and the Kommunarka hospital have added false frostbite to the list of common skin manifestations of coronavirus. This symptom was called associated with vascular damage.

“In appearance, such a pathology is similar to frostbite or injury, although patients deny such damage,” the doctors emphasize.

Maria Petina, head of the Center for Diagnosis of Disorders in Patients with COVID-19, said that “covid fingers” are most common in children and adolescents, but they are also observed in adults. She stated that this symptom occurs due to the reaction of the immune system and dysfunction of the endothelium – the cells that create the inner lining of blood vessels.

“Endothelial cells create a barrier between blood and tissues, synthesize and secrete a large amount of biologically active substances. It is the endothelial dysfunction that explains the frequency of thrombosis, as well as the high risk of complications for people with cardiovascular pathology and high cholesterol levels, ”Petina explained.

Dermatologist Tatyana Sulima added that skin rashes are a sign of early forms of the disease when the patient is unaware of it. In case of coronavirus, she advised to pay attention to fingers and toes, as they can change color.

Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases named after V.A. Rakhmanov of the Sechenov University Olga Olisova said that it is often after the coronavirus that skin diseases make their debut. With COVID-19 itself, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, pemphigus, eczema and other ailments are observed, which subsequently worsen and “proceed very hard”.

