NASA approves the idea of ​​cross-flights into space with Russia

ISS Program Manager Montalbano: NASA is considering the possibility of cross-flights with the Russian Federation

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) approved the idea cross flights into space with Russia, when Russian cosmonauts are sent on American ships, and vice versa. The head of the US ISS program, Joel Montalbano, announced that this possibility was being considered, he is quoted by TASS.

“We are considering that the cosmonaut should go on our spacecraft, and the NASA astronaut on the Soyuz. We are trying to make sure that we have an astronaut on Soyuz and an astronaut on our spacecraft, “he said.

Earlier it became known that Roscosmos and NASA will discuss the issue of cross-flights of their cosmonauts and astronauts on space ships “Soyuz MS” and Crew Dragon. This was announced by the head of the state corporation Dmitry Rogozin. “From our point of view, SpaceX has gained enough experience to be able to send representatives of our crews on their ships,” he said.



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