It became known about the presence of all types of drones in the Armed Forces of Russia

Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said that the Russian Armed Forces have all types of drones

the presence of the Russian Armed Forces has all types of drones. This type of weapon will develop, he said on the air of the TV channel “Russia-1” in the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin. “

” We really have something to be proud of. The situation has changed dramatically over the past 10 years, we have a full set, the entire type of unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned ground, surface-underwater vehicles “, – said Borisov.

He also stressed that intensive work is underway in this direction because “this is a very stable trend.” “And others.

Earlier it was reported that Russia has developed a drone with drop wings. The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics named after Academician E. I. Zababakhin has developed and patented an unmanned aerial vehicle, which is characterized by increased maneuverability.

